Looking to Give Back to the Community? Learn More About BVU’s GIVE Program Today!

GIVE, Getting Involved in Volunteer Experiences, is a program of Business Volunteers Unlimited (BVU). The goal of GIVE is to raise awareness among the next generation of civic leaders about the growing need for volunteerism and to engage them in the community while providing educational learning seminars to help them develop personally and professionally.

Over two years, like-minded professionals come together and learn about pertinent issues facing the community and become exposed to civic leadership opportunities with nonprofits.

The GIVE Class will participate in a program starting in February and extending through October. The core components of the program are monthly learning seminars, volunteer opportunities and networking events. In addition, each classmate will participate in a group project which will enhance the cohort experience, build leadership among colleagues and peers, and create continued awareness about BVU and the GIVE program.

Upon successful completion of the first year, the GIVE Class will be invited to serve on the GIVE Advisory Board. This second year experience is a blend of intensive leadership development and continued participation in GIVE programming. The GIVE Advisory Board will be divided into committees that will make recommendations and advise BVU on the GIVE Program. Your experience serving as a committee member on the GIVE Advisory Board is excellent preparation and training for future board/committee service at another nonprofit organization. At the end of your second year, BVU will work with you to find a nonprofit organization for continuing volunteer service based on your interest.

If you are looking for personal and professional development, then GIVE events are for you. You will meet like-minded professionals, learn about pertinent issues facing the community and become exposed to civic leadership opportunities in the future.

BVU’s mission is to inspire volunteerism and connect motivated people to nonprofit organizations that will lead to a stronger community. BVU hopes that you will consider participating in this incredible program. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions. Thank you for your interest in being a part of building a better Baltimore!

To learn more about BVU’s GIVE Program: visit their website, find them on Facebook and follow them on twitter @BVUGIVE.

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