Osteoporosis and Pilates is There a Positive Association to Be Had?

Osteoporosis and Pilates – Is Pilates good for this?

Courtesy of Andrea McManus – MyCity4Her Affiliate and Owner of Flex-Ability Pilates

Osteoporosis is the gradual and silent loss of bone and not a normal aging process. It is defined as a systemic skeletal disease characterized by low bone mass and microarchitectural deterioration of bone tissue, with a consequent increase in bone fragility and susceptibility to fracture (NOF 2005). Osteopeniais mildly reduced bone mass–a loss of approximately 10%-20%–indicating the onset of osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is showing up in people younger and younger every year. Even seemingly fit healthy people. Some might say it is because we are screening people and catching more. This does not answer the question of, why is this happening in some people in their 40’s and 50’s?

Evidence suggests that lifestyle is a major culprit. Studies have found that Americans do not engage in enough physical activity, are becoming obese and do not take in enough nutrients to support good bone health (Wright et al. 2003, Gordon-Larson et al. 1999). In the U.S. we base our habits of daily living on convenience and time management. We have computers for shopping; TVs to entertain us; and microwaves, washing machines, elevators, escalators, cars and high-tech devices to “save time” and to make our lives more efficient. But more efficiency means we are increasingly sedentary, and sedentary living is bad for our bones. We walk less, we bear less weight, and we do less physical labor. In short, our high-tech labor-saving lifestyle is destroying our bones!

What Can Pilates do?
The importance of weight-bearing exercise that loads and strengthens bone cannot be underestimated. In fact, research has shown that physical exercise alone can halt the progression of bone loss (Smith & Gilligan 1987). And according to the Surgeon General’s Report, “Health and Fitness professionals can play a major role in . . . identifying and advising high-risk individuals and those who have osteoporosis” (HHS 2004).

Pilates is a great form of weight bearing exercise. Just be sure not to jump into a group mat class and think all Pilates is the same. You want to make sure you are protected and safe. The best thing for that is working with a private instructor on the apparatus to help you see the best results. Once you are familiar with the movements and what your own body should and should not do you can talk to your instructor about joining a small group class.


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