Orange County Child Custody Lawyer

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JOS Family Law
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At Jos Family Law our focus is on helping families with legal matters that involve the most important people and aspects in their lives. When children are involved, the outcome of family law litigation should always be in the best interests of the child.
My passion for child custody is what made me one of the Best Child Custody Attorney, California.You can trust my firm to help you navigate your
family law dispute. Not only did I have a very successful career outside of law for more than 20 years, managing and training more than 1000
marketing directors, I also have first-hand experience in family law courts due to my own child custody battle. If you are having a family dispute and need an attorney who intimately understands family law, look no further! I will fight for your rights with empathy and diligence. Find out how a dedicated, driven, and determined lawyer at Jos family Law can help you throughout your family law matter Child Custody Lawyer, California by contacting us at (714) 733-7066 or

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1918 W Chapman Ave Suite 200, Orange, CA 92868, United States