MyCity4HER Women in Business Resources

Women in Business Resources that make a difference

Women in business often face unique challenges that require specific resources. 

These challenges can stem from factors like:  

Gender bias: Women may experience discrimination in funding, networking, and leadership opportunities.  
Work-life balance: Balancing family responsibilities with career demands can be more difficult for women.  
Networking and mentorship: Building connections and finding mentors can be more challenging in male-dominated industries.  
Funding: Access to capital can be more difficult for women-owned businesses.  

Making women in business resources can help address these challenges by providing:

Education and training: Workshops, seminars, and online courses can help women develop business skills and knowledge.  
Mentorship: Connecting women with experienced professionals can offer guidance and support.  
Networking opportunities: Events and communities can help women build relationships and expand their professional network.  
Funding: Grants, loans, and investment opportunities can help women access the capital they need to start and grow their businesses.  
Support and advocacy: Organizations and initiatives can raise awareness of the challenges women face in business and advocate for policies that support their success.

By providing both National level and regional level resources, MyCity4HER aims to help create a more equitable and supportive environment for women in business. Knowledge is power, and sometimes not everyone wants HER to have it. We are flipping the script and making it easier to find what you need to grow your business, and yourself. Please contact us if you would like a resource to be considered for inclusion in one of our resource hubs. We are #bettertogether, and when we help HER get ahead, everyone wins.

To view our National Resources click here. To view our regional resources, click on the region of your choice. Annapolis, Baltimore City, Delaware, and DC.