Elise Rubenstein

Munchie Mondays – The Dirty Dozen

Packaged and processed foods get many a family through the day. They are convenient and portable, and they stay fresh for a long time (thanks to all those preservatives). The additives put into processed foods to make them look and taste better include unhealthy amounts of salt, fat and sugar – and those are the ones you can pronounce.

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Meet My Favorite Couple

Last Memorial Day, I met with Thom and Belinda in a coffee shop in Ocean City. We talked for 1 ½ hours about their goals for their health and their fear of not being able to find a way to lose weight and get their energy back. They had tried every diet and after having some success, could never stick with it. They were thrilled when I told them that when they work with me, there is no diet to follow! So, together, we began their journey of finding their way back to real health.

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