4 Things to do NOW to improve all your relationships

Whether we like it or not, one constant in business and in life – is that how you manage relationships – will often be an indicator of how successful you’ll be. Relationships are valuable, and often having good ones means the difference between how well your business will do. At times women in business whether they are solo-entrepreneurs, managers or larger business owners struggle with what tack is the best to take to make sure that their relationship interactions support their business goals. We decided to ask relationship expert, coach and therapist (as well as MyCity4Her Entrepreneur subscriber) Jeannie Dougherty Principal & Founder of Jeannie Dougherty & Associates to share with us her top four tips to help improve ALL your relationships – at home or at work.
Here’s her top four suggestions for better relationships
1) Start Listening Without Giving Advice or Feedback
When was the last time you really listened, instead of formulating your response to what’s being said, while in a conversation with someone?
The art of listening can be very freeing because it means you are following along without trying to direct or guide the other person. This can relieve a lot of tension and anxiety for you.
It also means you can give your full, complete attention to someone you care about.
2) Be More Spontaneous
You don’t have to ask for permission to be more spontaneous, yet many of us want approval to lighten up and have a little fun. How often do you sit around and “gloom and doom” over your relationships?
The time is now to realize that you need to change your grim mental haze into liquid energetic clarity. There is nothing sadder then telling yourself, ” I can’t have too much fun because I’m not sure I deserve it.”
Working for work doesn’t breed happiness or fulfillment, it just breeds more work, pain, exhaustion, and frayed relationships. Being spontaneous is an action that improves with repetition.
Next time you have plans, think about throwing the plans out the window and do something spontaneous instead. See how different your life will become once you do this more regularly.
3) Trust Your Instincts
Relationships really work when you can be yourself. People pleasing for the sake of others aren’t the best way to win friends and influence people.
Being a “yes” person just to be nice isn’t helping any of your relationships. It just means you’re presenting yourself as a follower.
Think about the Emperor’s New Clothes—do you really want to be exposed to something you don’t need to see? You may anger a few people, but ultimately you will trust your instincts.
4) Be Nicer
I once had the privilege of working with an amazing fire chief. He said our life-saving work mattered, but how we treat others mattered more. What we say, what we do, may not always be remembered, but how we made someone feel is a living memory.
We all want nice people in our lives, so start by being nice to as many people as you can. Nice doesn’t mean you’re a doormat or you can’t say what you mean; nice is a way of being and a way of conducting yourself in all your relationships
About Jeannie
Jeannie Dougherty is an expert in relationships and a visionary leader in the field of relationship coaching and consulting. She has a Master’s Degree in Counseling and years of dance training in ballet, modern dance, Biodanza™ and 5 Rhythms™. Her focus is on how individuals and couples lose their rhythms, their sense of selves and their sense of transformation.
Her years of experience as a coach and a counselor, along with her background in dance, helped her develop her Conscious Movement Transformation™ methodology.
Jeannie’s intuitive instincts, keen movement-trained eyes, and the safe and supportive environment she creates give her clients give her the ability to help remove their blocks—their embodied fears—while moving toward their unlimited potential and their happy and flowing selves. She has ignited hundreds of individuals and couples to transform their relationship roadblocks into relationship fulfillments.
When Jeannie is not coaching, she’s dancing, practicing Bikram Yoga and Simplified Kundalini Yoga (SKY), and spending time with her loved ones and her three dogs. She enjoys hiking, cooking, and is thirsty for life’s adventures! Learn more about her business and how she can help by clicking here.