Great Sales Books that should be on your reading list

Our CCO and Founder Monyka Berrocosa recently presented at the Wake up Your Business with WEB series – the subject was SALES and she shared this list with the audience. Everyone is always concerned about Sales – and what the secret ingredient is to getting more of them. Great books can be a super useful resource. We got a lot of these books through an article/list that was published initially by Small Biz Trends – and wanted to share them with you.

Happy reading!

“SNAP Selling: Speed Up Sales and Win More Business with Today’s Frazzled Customers”

by Jill Konrath Stop selling the old fashioned way.
“Selling to the C-Suite: What Every Executive Wants You to Know About Successfully Selling to the Top” 

by Nicholas A. C. Read and Dr. Stephen J. Bistritz

Every business owner or salesperson knows that if you really want to sell something, you have to sell the person at the top.

OutSell Yourself: Go from HELLO to SOLD with Ethical Business and Sales Techniques!”

by Kelly McCormick

Kelly McCormick has written a sales book for people who don’t like to sell. If you’re the kind of business owner or sales person who has avoided selling because you think or feel it’s sleazy.

“Slow Down, Sell Faster!: Understand Your Customer’s Buying Process and Maximize Your Sales” 

by Kevin Davis

In a world of get the sale yesterday Slow Down Sell Faster! is a refreshing sales book.

“7 Triggers to Yes: The New Science Behind Influencing People’s Decisions”

by Russell Granger

“The 25 Sales Habits of Highly Successful Salespeople”

by Stephan Schiffman

This sales book is a good common sense review of salesmanship.

“The Ultimate Sales Machine: Turbocharge Your Business with Relentless Focus on 12 Key Strategies” 

by Chet Holmes

“Shift!: Harness The Trigger Events That Turn Prospects Into Customers”

by Craig Elias and Tibor Shanto
“Mastering the Complex Sale: How to Compete and Win When the Stakes are High” 

by Jeff Thull