How to vote in the 2024 election if you are interested in having your voice heard in November, we’ve put together some information below to help you out. The upcoming 2024 Presidential Election promises to be one of the most influential in the history of the United States. Once again, women’s voices will play a large role in the outcomes. wants to help you be informed and aware of the voting process and how to do so. Women’s issues are a key aspect of this upcoming election. Whatever side of the political spectrum you are on, the only way to influence the outcome, and protect your rights, is to vote.
Voting is a privilege hard won. Women only won the right to vote in the United States in 1920.
According to the website “The 19th Amendment makes it illegal to deny the right to vote to any citizen based on their sex, which effectively granted women the right to vote. It was first introduced to Congress in 1878 and was finally certified 42 years later in 1920.
The Amendment’s official certification date is August 26; however, it’s not uncommon for the Amendment to also be celebrated on August 18th — the anniversary of when Tennessee ratified it.
We went to one of the best resources we know: The National Association of the Secretaries of State’s website, which is a wealth of information. Check it out by clicking here.
In most states you must be 18, and register to vote. You can click here for a national mail voter registration form. Or you can use the NASS state selection tool at this link by clicking here.
Find your polling place – this is the location where you can go to vote in person in the November 2024 Presidential election. Many states offer online services that can help you look up your local voting site. Others list contact information for local election officials, who are trained to help you find your polling place. To find your state’s polling locations click here on the NASS website.
In order to vote you will have to present a form of valid ID to do so. Each state has it’s own laws about what constitutes a valid ID. To see what your state requires as a valid ID to vote click here.
You may be eligible to vote prior to the election as an absentee or early voter. State laws vary greatly, so be sure to pay attention to the information provided by your election officials, or contact your local election office for help. For information about absentee and/or early voting where you live, click on this link and choose your state from the dropdown menu.
How to vote in the 2024 elections is important whatever your political leanings. If, you don’t like the way things are – or want to keep them the same…Voting is your legal right, and only option to ensure your opinion is counted, and your ability to effect change.The vote took so much effort to be secured for women, not voting is tantamount to not giving a care, and that would be unfortunate…in our opinion. If you care about the economy, or are worried about existing or potential loss of income due to rising inflation, or an unsure economy check out our post about how to replace lost income, and maximize your financial readiness by clicking here.