- Christine Aspell
KPMG LLP - Dawn Audia
CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield - Traci A. Barnett
Girls Scouts of Central Maryland - Barbara Barrett Clapp
Clapp Communications - Jennifer Bodensiek
Junior Achievement of Central Maryland Inc. - Laurie Boyer, CEcD
Maryland Economic Development Association - Michele Bresnick Walsh
Gordon Feinblatt LLC - Jean Brune
Roland Park Country School - Hon. Sharon V. Burrell
Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland - Kate Campbell Stevenson
Women: Back to the Future - Mary Cina Chalawsky
The Law Offices of Peter G. Angelos PC - Caroline D. Ciraolo
Rosenberg Martin Greenberg - Margaret Conn Himelfarb
Maryland Stem Cell Commission - Veronica Cool
Wells Fargo - Dr. Marcella A. Copes, Ph.D.
Coppin State University School of Nursing - Carol Coughlin
Bottom Line Growth Strategies - Hon. Kathleen G. Cox
Circuit Court for Baltimore County - Dr. Gail Cunningham
Osler Drive Emergency Physcians and St. Joseph Medical Center - Sophie Dagenais
Annie E. Casey Foundation - Diane D’Aiutolo Collins
Tydings & Rosenberg LLP - Debra Marie Davis
Charles County Commissioner - Janine DiPaula Stevens
Vircity - Gayle V. Economos
GVE Media/Public Relations LLC - Councilmember Valerie Ervin
Montgomery County Council - Vicki Finkelstein
W. R. Grace & Co. - Kristin Franceschi
DLA Piper - Jan Gardner
U.S. Sen. Barbara Mikulski’s Office - Jeanette Glose Partlow
Maryland Chemical Company Inc. - Marci Gordon
Ballard Spahr LLP - Phoebe A. Haddon
University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law - Kristin P. Herber
Tydings & Rosenberg LLP - Mary Jean Herron
HealthCare for the Homeless
- Kathleen B. Hetherington
Howard Community College - Hon. Cathy Hollenberg Serrette
Circuit Court for Prince George’s County - Betty J. Hines
Betty Hines Business Builder LLC - Debbie Jacobs Rock
LIGHT Healthand Wellness Comprehensive Services Inc.
- Karen Johnson Shaheed
Bowie State University - Dr. Carolyn Johnston
Wicomico County Board of Education - Ann Karpoff Sober
Special Beginnings Birth & Women’s Center - Marcy K. Kolodny
Dyslexia Tutoring Program - Cyd Lacanienta
InterGroup Services Inc. - Lorene Lake
Chrysalis House - Erica A. Leatham
Ballard Spahr LLP - Jeanette Linder, MD
Sinai Hospital of Baltimore - Dr. Leslie D. Mancuso
Jhpiego - Cheryl Meadows
Salisbury Neighborhood Housing Service - Catherine Meyers
Center for Children Inc. - Vanessa Milio
Harford County Chamber of Commerce - Monica Mitchell
Wells Fargo - Delegate Heather Mizeur
Maryland General Assembly - Sandy Monck
United Way of Central Maryland
- Paula Morris
Salisbury University / Kids of Honor - Carla A. Nelson
The Nelson Ideation Group LLC - Jonelle Ocloo
Murthy Law Firm - Cheryl O’Donnell Guth
McGuireWoods LLP - Bryn Parchman
Port Discovery Children’s Museum - Tenyo Pearl
Coppin State University-Nonprofit Leadership Alliance - Karen Pecora-Barbour
The Barbour Group LLC - Trudy Perkins
Office of Congressman Elijah E. Cummings - Sarah Pick
Institute for Genome Sciences at University of Maryland School of Medicine - Marylin Pierre
Pierre & Associates - Laura Pierson-Scheinberg
Miles & Stockbridge PC - Mary Beth Pirolozzi
County United Way Inc. - Dr. Judith Pratt Rossiter
St. Joseph Medical Center - Katherine Rensin
Howard Community College - Maria Pilar Rivera-Rodriguez
MPR Translations LLC - Ginny Robertson
Ginny Robertson LLC - Tamera Rush
STG Inc. - Hannah Sassoon
Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office - Rosa Scharf
Howard Bank - Lisa Y. Settles
Hodes, Pessin & Katz PA - Lila Shapiro-Cyr
Ballard Spahr LLP - Molly Shattuck
Molly Shattuck Vibrant Living LLC - Terry Sherman
Delmarva Trailer Sales and Rentals Inc. - Leslie Simmons
Carroll Hospital Center - Jeanne F. Singer
Law Offices of Jeanne F. Singer PA - Karen Sitnick
Mayor’s Office of Employment Development - Abbie Smith
EA Engineering, Science and Technology Inc. - Kathy P. Smith
Calvert County Circuit Court - Francie Spahn
Saul Ewing LLP - Jennifer J. Stearman
McGuireWoods LLP - Hon. Lynn K. Stewart
Circuit Court for Baltimore City - Bonnie Sullivan
Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service - Dr. Kelly Sullivan, MD, FACS
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery of Annapolis - Vanita M. Taylor
Office of the Public Defender - Hollis Thomases
Web Ad.vantage - Hon. Sheila R. Tillerson Adams
Circuit Court for Prince George’s County - Jenny J. Trostel
Norris Auto Group - Marie Van Deusen
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney - Lori A. Villegas
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney - Wendi Wagner Peters
Town of Mount Airy - Dr. Crystal Watkins Johansson
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine - M. Courtney Watson
Howard County Council and Rossmann-Hurt-Hoffman - Patricia Weaver
Paley, Rothman, Goldstein, Rosenberg, Eig & Cooper, Chtd. - Joan Webb Scornaienchi
HC DrugFree - Angela Whittaker-Pion
Miles & Stockbridge PC - Anna M. Williams
SEED School of Maryland - Margaret Williams
Maryland Family Network - Linda S. Woolf
Goodell, DeVries, Leech & Dann LLP - Alexandra Wrage
Gordon, Feinblatt, Rothman, Hoffberger
To view 2014’s Winner’s click here.
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