Fashionable Friday – Fashion Resolutions for 2012

By Assistant Editor Shayna Spiker

It’s the new year, and you’ve made some resolutions that you will, of course, stick to for more than 2 weeks. I resolve to eat more fruits and vegetables, exercise more (I got lazy with that halfway through 2011), and start actually doing things I want to do instead of just talking about doing them.

I also had a few fashion-related resolutions. It’s not just about being vain and wanting to look good, it’s also about feeling good about myself and believing in myself. Once that is out of the way, I can worry more about pursuing my dreams and passions (i.e. getting a degree in Fashion Design and starting my own line/boutique here in Baltimore.)

#1 – Stop Shopping

In 2011, I somehow developed this habit of buying nearly piece of clothing, jewelry, and makeup I look at. Quite a nasty habit, if you ask my bank account and my closet. I have to re-learn to ignore the desire to own everything that looks pretty and shiny. My closet is bursting at the seams and I truly have more than enough clothes – which leads me to #2…

#2 – Get Rid of Things I Don’t Wear/Use

Early last year, I cleaned out my makeup drawer of nearly everything. Since then, I’ve somehow expanded my collection to pretty much the same size. It’s not like I need all that makeup. I use probably less than half of it, and rarely use that half at that. I have shoes that don’t fit that need to be returned, clothes that I don’t wear, etc. These things can go to friends, sell on Ebay/Craigslist, or be donated to Goodwill.

#3 – Be More Creative with Outfits

In 2011, I pretty much discovered the wide world of fashion blogs and fell pretty deep into it. I waste many hours of my nights staring at other people’s creative and gorgeous ensembles, wanting to recreate those outfits on myself. This year, I am going to experiment more with outfit pairings and jewelry combinations, etc. It will help keep my wardrobe fresh and interesting which will help me stick to resolution #1.

#4 – Take Better Care of My Hair

I was always into makeup and have gotten to be very good at it. But doing my hair? That’s a whole ‘nother story. Late last year was the first time in probably 8 years that I had hair longer than my chin. When it was short, it was easy. Wash, dry for 5-10 minutes, go. Now that it’s long again, I really love how it looks, but it requires more effort to style it and I have admittedly gotten lazy with it. Not only that, I don’t really know what on earth to do with it other than dry it straight or wear it in a pony tail so I tend to just say “oh, whatever” and leave the house with a wet, wavy mess. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but anything more than a bird’s nest would be ideal.

What are some of your fashion and style resolutions for 2012?

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