What to pack for a Healthy Lunch?

By Affiliate Elise Rubenstein

We established that breakfast is the most important meal because it sets us up for the day by eating nutrients that are filling and will give us sustained energy.  What about lunch? As you are packing lunch for your kids, what can you pack for yourself, as well? Some people like to skimp on lunch. They have a yogurt, or a candy bar or even a cup of coffee and a muffin. We are our most active during the day light hours and we need to give our body some food that will carry us through our afternoon, or by four, we will be ready to put our heads on the desk and take a nap.

Tip: Your metabolism, which we revved up at breakfast, is at its strongest at lunchtime. This is when you should be eating your biggest meal of the day, if not at least a nutritious lunch.

What makes a good lunch?? Same as breakfast, some protein and good carbs. If you are trying to watch your weight, watch your bread, this type of refined carbohydrate will stall your results. Have pita, less bread, with hummus, tomatoes and lettuce and olives. Have some sliced eggs with tomatoes and lettuce in your pita. I like to have a salad at lunch. When you eat living food, you feel alive, that is the food that will give you energy. Soup is a great partner to the salad, but be careful, some soups at restaurants are filled with sodium and fat. Best to make your own or buy a can of a healthy version at the store and bring it to work.

What about the kids? The pita works for them, too. How about a little pasta from last nights’ dinner with some cut up chicken or chick peas and some sauce. Cut up veggies and throw in a piece of fruit. Chips are fine, but look for organic corn chips or even rice chips that have some fiber that will give your child some sustained energy for the afternoon. I will give you my favorite fast lunch. Take black beans, for protein, some salsa for some veggies and chop up some avocado. It makes a great filling for your pita or you can use it as a dip with corn chips or you can put it on top of your salad.

Don’t forget about leftovers. You devoted the time to make a nice dinner and you know the quality of the ingredients that you used, so make a little extra and take it for lunch the next day.


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